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Why alternative energy is a bad word

By: Ethan K.
Staff Journalist

I think that it is time that we all look at alternative energy for what it is worth. There are some spectacular innovations and emerging renewable energy that is captivating the American people. Ethanol stations are now sprinkled around the country, wind turbines sit on farms and silently spin, biodiesel buses carry passengers around New York City, and the younger generation is showing the power of alternative energy with projects like the "Big Green Bus".

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So where is the issue? Why is alternative energy a bad word? While we are making progress in finding new renewable energy, we should have already been more than halfway to our goal of moving away from our dependence on the oil industry. We have seen signs of energy problems for years now. In last month's article, gas price commentary, I mentioned the respect that I have for Brazil and its move towards ethanol. They saw problems and they started on a solution. We (America) saw the signs years ago, but what oil executive wanted to start worrying about the future and invest money in alternative energy while it still made record profits in petroleum? It was not just oil companies that ignored the pending disasters, our government leaders foresaw the potential disaster awaiting and turned a blind eye. For the most part, the average American was either unaware or unconcerned with the full extent of the energy crisis and would have stayed that way if it were not for the sting in our wallets every time we went to fill up at the gas station. The increasing price of gas is the one constant reminder that something has gone terribly wrong and needs to be fixed.

alternative energy bad wordThe truth be told, we were all so caught up in ourselves and relishing the luxuries that petroleum provided that we did not look for alternative energy. Few wanted to spend the time and money in research and development of alternative fuels. Even less, if any at all, went scurrying off to lobby Congress or Senate back when we saw the "storm" rolling in. Life was good and the economy was booming so we had planned to do what we do best- leave this energy problem for the next generation.

Times are different now...vastly different. Our wallets hurt enough that it has begun to matter and now Americans are starting to voice their concerns. Energy companies are investing millions in alternative energy research and development so that they can ride out the next wave of profit. In a Utopian society, energy would be free and limitless but we are not in a perfect world, we are in the real world where $3.00 a gallon for gas is frighteningly just the beginning. When we first saw the signs of the looming energy crisis we should have started looking for serious alternatives. Yeah I know, hindsight is 20/20 but the United States is a leading nation in this world so sometimes excuses just don’t cut it.

So why is alternative energy a bad word? Simply stated, it is the fact that it costs so much money to pursue and it is the constant reminder that instead of being at the forefront of this search we are just in the beginning.