best gas mileage

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Best Gas Mileage

Every person who dreads high gas prices wants the best gas mileage. We all have fantasies of stepping into our car and driving ten thousand miles without having to fill up, but getting gas mileage like that is not a reality for the average person. The best gas mileage we get is when our car won't start and we have to push it to the local gas station. There are a few things that we can do to get the best gas mileage, but it comes down to the type of vehicle that we have, and our driving habits. If you are the type of person who has to drive to the end of the driveway to get the paper, then you may want to stop reading now. Okay, stick around and find out how to get the best gas mileage before driving to the end of the driveway.

best gas mpg

First, one of the most important tips to get great gas mileage is to combine your errands and walk or bike when it is convenient. I hear the cringes, but it is true. Don't run five different errands a day and expect to get the best gas mileage...combine your errands, and focus on driving as little as possible. If you were half as lazy as I am, this would be really easy.

Second, don't drive aggressively! When you speed up to 100 mph to pass the 90 year olds doing 25 on the highway, you burn a lot of fuel. Instead, take a deep breath, slowly pass, and chuckle at how much the sun glasses that the elderly wear look like Jordi's glasses from Star Trek. You want the best gas mileage? Control your temper.

Third, take the 500 pounds of crap in the trunk and park it in the garage. You don't need to haul around 50 pound weights in the back of the car- if you want to get some exercise ride a bike or walk instead of driving. Besides chewing up your fuel, heavy loads can put unnecessary strain on your vehicle. This will help increase your gas mileage and save space.

gas mileage

Fourth, keep your tires inflated to the proper levels. Once a month, use a nice digital tire gauge to check the ole' tire pressure. Keep it at the manufacturer's suggested PSI, and you can be sure that you can increase your gas mileage at least 3 percent, according to the Department of Energy.

The last tip will be sure to give you the best gas mileage of all- stay current with your vehicle maintenance!!! If you are driving around with a faulty oxygen sensor and aren't getting your maintenance checks, replacing it can increase your gas mileage by as much as 40 percent. Replacing a simple air filter that is clogged can net you a 10 percent increase in your mpg.

best gas mileage

So there it is...a few tips to get you on the track to the best gas mileage ever...well, not ever...who knows what the future holds!?!?

written by: Ethan K.