build a wind turbine

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Build A Wind Turbine

Wind power is an increasingly popular type of alternative energy that will helps us move away from fossil fuels. Most wind power produced in the world comes from large solar farms. But small wind can be a solution for those who would like to produce their own electricity with vertical turbines.

In these cases, it is possible to go take a DIY path and build a wind turbine, although it is not a very easy task. It’s also important to bear in mind that most residences are not suitable for wind power because trees and buildings around them break the force of the wind. It works better on hilltops or coastal locations and on large properties with some land around them. All this does not mean you can’t have a wind turbine, but it takes the right set-up to make it work properly.

Renewable UK has some sensible advice on the topic. In order to power a modern home, the blades need to span about five meters from tip to tip (rotor diameter). If you’re not looking to cover all your energy demand with wind, then perhaps a rotor diameter of two meters may suffice, generating 500 kWh of electricity per year. The average consumption of electricity in the U.S is at least 10,656 kWh per year. So it’s very unlikely that a small wind turbine could cover its total energy demand.

One of the main components of a wind turbine is the blade. People have successfully made them, and usually they carve them from wood. It is also possible to buy them ready made. The generator, another key piece, can be made from a car alternator. The problem with it is that it takes a high RPM to give full output and it needs to be modified to drive it with rotor blades. That’s one of the reasons that most small commercial wind turbines use purpose-built permanent magnet generators. These can be self-built as well, but again, it’s not a simple process. An alternative is to use a permanent magnet motor as generator.

If all this information has not put off from building a wind turbine, you may want to take a look at some videos available online that can give you an idea of how the process works. This video shows how to build a wind turbine with PVC windmill blades. This other video shows how to build a wind turbine for free. There are also books that could prove to be very useful as well. Wind Power Workshop: Building Your Own Wind Turbine by Hugh Piggott is a well known title in wind power literature. Check out this incredible wind turbine DIY kit! Save tons on your energy bill.