eco friendly houses

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Eco Friendly Houses

Global warming and climatic disturbances across the world has made governments and people savvy when it comes to building eco friendly homes and business offices. The increased demand for such homes has fueled technological innovations to provide highly efficient lighting, water conserving plumbing systems in bathrooms, and solar panels for production of much needed electricity. In addition, home improvements turn many existing homes into eco friendly homes.

Poor indoor air quality affects millions of homes causing mold and mildew. This is because the harmful chemicals from furniture, cleaning products, paints, solvents, and carpeting are drawn by the moist atmosphere inside the home and contaminate the indoor air quality. Wood is often chemically treated to keep pests away, and our children play on the wooden floors often developing rashes and skin infections.

Homes can be made eco friendly by using energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs instead of the traditional incandescent light bulbs. Solar hot water heaters can replace conventional hot water heaters in some parts of the country. Water conservation in bathrooms can be achieved by replacing regular showerheads and flush tanks with pressurized low-flow alternatives that can save gallons of water and cost savings on utility bills. Some residents harness rainwater for use in gardens and lawns, and washing cars. A compost pile can be created in your backyard that utilizes wastes such as eggshells, coffee grounds, veggie scrapes, and other biodegradable waste materials.

Some other alternatives to creating eco friendly homes are installing an automated thermostat that can lower heating costs considerably. Using affordable power strips for computers prevents the energy from being wasted. Insulating doors and windows is the best way for home energy conservation.

Consider healthy lighting, color, and controlled temperatures to enhance the living environment in your homes. Use pollution fighting indoor plants to reduce emission from chemicals. Creating an eco friendly home is only a matter of putting available resources to use. Home improvement stores stock eco friendly products for all aspects of home building.