eco friendly

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Eco Friendly

The term ‘Eco friendly’ or ‘environmentally friendly’ refers to goods, activities or services that cause very little or no harm to the environment. The term ‘green’ is also used interchangeably. There are several ways in which activities or products can be eco-friendly. When products are manufactured with environmentally friendly methods, they become eco friendly.

People who are concerned about the environment engage in eco friendly activities resulting in less pollution and rampant damage of the natural resources. Today several businesses have invested in green product development, and also constructed office buildings with eco friendly products and technologies. The factories are eco friendly and often built from recycled materials. Solar panels are used for generating power. Plant products are used in the manufacture of soaps. Paper and paper products are often recycled to make handmade paper that finds popular use in the manufacture of greeting cards and stationery.

Activities can also be eco friendly such as recycling, gardening, compost manufacture in our backyards, carpooling, etc. People are known to modify their lifestyles to reduce their carbon footprint by various methods such as using recycled bags in grocery stores to avoid overuse of plastic bags. Avoiding the use of bottled water is a common example of creating an eco friendly environment by not adding plastic bottles to landfills. Cleaning products are made with natural ingredients to reduce the harsh effect of chemicals commonly found in the products.

Why is it necessary to be eco friendly? Several environmental issues are directly affecting us and the world we live in. Global warming, acid rain, smog, rain forest deforestation are only a few of the issues to be taken into consideration.

Today more than ever before families are going green and also teaching children the benefits of doing so. Communities are coming together and making strides to lead an eco friendly lifestyle. Garden pesticides and insecticides are oftentimes replaced with natural ingredients like apple cider vinegar to ward off bugs and beetles. Planting trees in residential neighborhoods is popular today and city parks distribute free saplings for tree planting. Today citizens are more committed to care for their environment and natural resources.