eco gifts

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Eco Gifts

We all occasionally like to present people who we love with a gift, be it for their birthday, Christmas, or any other reason. These days before carrying out any purchase, especially treats that are not essential, we have to take into account the environmental cost of what we buy. Eco gifts are the answer to the ethical dilemma when it comes to showing our appreciation for other people.

Eco gifts are gifts with a low or zero carbon footprint, with lots of recycling potential, second hand or perhaps even an utilitarian that runs on renewable energy such as solar power. If you have talent for crafts or you master creative recycling technique (turning juice cartons into bags, for example), then perhaps you can manufacture your own eco gift – the recipient will be twice delighted, for sure.

If you prefer to buy a new eco gift, the options abound as well. The internet is home to many businesses that sell green products and usually include a section selling eco gifts.

Besides the environmental benefits of opting for eco gifts, in many cases the buyer will benefit from lower prices. Because of their novelty value, some of the items for sale for under $10 can be quite interesting and will probably please the person who will receive it. For example, one online retailer we visited had bamboo socks for just over $5 while lime and lip balm was being sold for just under $5. The same retailer had a baseball cap with a solar panel and LED lights that at night could be used for walks, camping etc. It cost $45. The concept of green gift giving sometimes is tied up with the fair trade ethos. One of these non-profit ventures is Green Heart , which is affiliated with the Center for Cultural Interchange (CCI). The website sells fair trade eco goods made by artisans from all over the world as well as a few from Chicago where the enterprise is based and includes a varied section of gift sets with several unusual options – and who doesn’t like a gift that is a little different? Be sure to check our huge selection of eco friendly gifts in our solar store.