Eco Shred

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Eco Shred

Companies quite often have to destroy documents with sensitive data and this requires cautious planning. In the same way that as individuals we use a paper shredder to destroy documents with our own sensitive data, such as credit card and bank statements, companies need to be careful about the way they go about disposing of confidential information. There are companies who specialize in on-site document destruction. Even better, some of them offer a green service, or eco shred.

Eco shred helps companies protect employees and clients without jeopardizing their data and exposing them to the possibility of fraud and litigation. The added value offered by an eco shred company is that it will ensure that all the paper disposed of is recycled.

There are many advantages in hiring an eco shred company, besides the environmental gain. While some companies may assign an employee as the person responsible for data destruction, that may create a weakness in the security scheme of a company, besides using up a considerable amount of paid working hours. Another problem with this method is that the destruction process may not be as thorough as it should be.

When hiring an eco shred company, make sure it is certified by NAID (National Association for Information Destruction). Also your eco shred company should leave you with a Certificate of Destruction after your materials are destroyed. Environmental awareness is quite established in this industry. Companies such as Eco-Shred even send out to clients a document showing how many trees your company has saved through its security document shredding and waste paper recycling.