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Energy Conservation

Energy conservation is a manner of reducing energy quantity while still maintaining similar output. Energy conservation is an important part of energy policy because it is a means of regulating energy demand. The need to increase energy production is lowered if consumers' demand is reduced; therefore, government policy controls a lot of consumers' attitudes and actions towards conservation.

conserving energy

Many businesses and individuals are bent on energy conservation, but they are doing so because they are fiscally motivated, not because they are concerned about the environment. While all efforts to conserve energy should be lauded, one must look at the real reasons we should be conserving. Even if saving money is a motivator, it is better than not conserving and continuing to add to the problems of increased carbon emissions and the slow destruction of the environment.

energy conservation

The United States is the world's largest consumer of energy, so conservation should be a top priority for us. There are many ways for individuals and businesses to get involved and do their part, but they need to first get educated. Energy conservation starts at home, and is such a big step in being more aware of the environment. For great energy conserving tips, check out the U.S. Department of Energy's EERE web site.