gas scooters

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Gas Scooters

Gas scooters are all the new rage. Why? Have you been to a gas station recently? A gas scooter can save an individual hundreds upon hundreds of dollars a year in gas costs and are much easier on the environment than that big old car you have been driving around. Imagine putting a few gallons of gas into your scooter twice a month and still getting all your errands done and saving hundreds of dollars on fuel costs! That is the reality of owning a scooter- no more being a slave to the gas companies' outrageous prices.

Some benefits of a gas scooter are:

  • They are a great way to decrease your carbon emissions
  • You can save crazy amounts of money in gas costs
  • You can travel to and from locations faster because you can cut across parks and through alleys
  • They are affordable and easy to maintain

Right now we are seeing a trend of people trying to get rid of their trucks and SUVs and they are not having much luck. Who wants to spend 80 dollars filling up a truck or SUV that will brun through it in less than a week? The costs associated with owning a car are too great already to be adding in hundreds and hundreds of dollars of gas each month. At what gas price will we say, "Enough!" 5 dollars a gallon? 8 dollars a gallon? 10 dollars a gallon? Now is the best time to get a scooter and start saving gas!

So what are you waiting for? Gas prices are rising and there has never been a better time to go out and buy a gas scooter and start saving your hard earned money.