gas prices

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Gas prices have gone up

By: Ethan K.

Gas prices have gone up if we weren't expecting that. You can pretty much guess the headlines in the paper before you even pick up a copy. So what's the big deal? I still jump on the expressway and zoom off to work in a Honda Pilot that averages only 20 miles to the gallon. No tears are shed as I glance down at my gas gauge and stomp on the accelerator to speed past the obligatory truck that refuses to let cars merge. Instead, when I see that gas prices are going higher again, I wonder at the lack of interest in energy alternatives by our country. This is not to say that things are not being done to further energy alternatives around our country, but our leadership seems to be failing us. Sure, everyone can always find fault with our country's leadership, but the energy problems do fall on the lawmakers and decision makers of America.

high gas prices

Why are we cutting our energy budget? Oh yes, it is a measly $3.4 billion dollars a year. That is chump change in our booming economy. I guarantee that large oil companies are spending at least that much in R&D spending on alternative energy. Why did we not learn the lesson that Brazil did? The last "oil crisis", Brazil decided that enough was enough and they sought alternatives. They now supply almost half of the fuel requirement of their country through the production of ethanol from sugarcane. They are regarded as an "Ethanol Superpower" because of their efficiency in utilizing sugar-cane for fuel, and the mass production of alternative fuels.


Where is the land of the free-thinking, entrepreneurial minded Americans in this evolving alternative energy market? Are we too busy waxing our SUV's to notice that we don't have a plan B yet? When will our leaders start to question our "work towards alternative fuel sources" and the size of our budget? We have to make this our problem if we want results. Brazil attacked the problem and now they rule the ethanol market. Can we do the same? Will we? Who knows....oh, look! gas just went up again...