home solar power systems

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Home Solar Power Systems

One of the best solutions that households can adopt to reduce their carbon footprint is installing home solar power systems. In most parts of the United States, it is possible to reach an average of 4-5 kWh/m²/day, although in sunnier parts of the country more abundant solar radiation can raise that average to 8. By and large, solar panels currently in the market produce an efficiency rate that ranges between 7 to 17 percent.

Geographical location will play an important role in determining the best type of solar system. There are concentrating and non-concentrating solar collectors. The former are angled to absorb as much sunlight as possible. The latter are better for areas with less sunlight and absorb sunlight from direct and reflecting angles. Besides, solar panels can be use to produce electricity as well as heat.

In order to get home solar power systems on their rooftops, many households resort to leasing schemes, which are increasingly popular. Several companies specialize in this type of service and as part of the package they also specialize in power purchase agreements. Besides avoiding upfront costs of tens of thousands of dollars, another advantage of solar power leasing schemes is that the leaser owns the home solar power systems, and are responsible for their maintenance, repairs, monitoring and insurance.

Although solar power remains relatively expensive, local and state administrations across the US offer rebates to offset costs and make it more affordable. They do that because solar energy is clean and renewable, therefore it is a sustainable replacement for fossil fuels that cause climate change. Another advantage of solar power is that it is produced locally. Except for the panels and the parts they contain, which can be made in other countries, power generation itself is always local, creating independence from foreign oil and sometimes even the grid. Find out how to make your own solar power system here.