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How Green Are You?

Most people will claim to be environmentalists, but how "green" are they? We have compiled a little test to find out. There are no right or wrong answers, but the end result should be a deeper, more meaningful discovery of where you stand as an environmentalist.

1. Do you recycle?
2. Have you replaced all the standard light bulbs in your home with CFC bulbs?
3. Do you walk/run/bike whenever you can?
4. Do you support conservation efforts in your local community?
5. Do you buy products packaged in biodegradable packages?
6. Do you drive a hybrid?
7. Do you use harmful chemicals in your home?
8. Are you a part of a highway or park clean up crew?
9. Do you buy only Energy Star™ or energy efficient appliances?
10. Do you utilize alternative energy in your home?
11. Have you conducted an energy audit of your home?
12. Do you have a compost pile or composter?
13. Do you leave each day a little brighter and better because of your "green" actions?

green living

This isn't a comprehensive list, but it should give everyone an idea about where they fall short, or where they are succeeding. We all need to look deep within ourselves and ask if we are advancing the cause of environmentalism or just cheering from the sidelines? Are we bragging about our Toyota hybrids while we toss plastic bottles into the trash instead of the recycling bin? It is not easy to live a green lifestyle, but there are so many small things that we can do that will not only make the environment better, but will also encourage others to think more about their ecological footprint. Don't feel discouraged if you don't do much- rather, find where you can fit in and go with it....future generations will thank us for it.

Photo Credit: Andross