how wind turbines work

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How wind turbines work

Many people have seen wind turbines at some point or another in their life, but does the average person know how wind turbines work? We hope to answer that question so you will understand what makes wind power such a great alternative energy.The concept behind the wind turbine technology is not that difficult to understand. The wind blows, which turns the turbine blades. These blades are connected to a shaft that turns with the blades, and attaches to a generator which creates electricity and sends it to a sub-station.

This image from the Department of Energy shows the pieces to a wind turbine. how a wind turbine works

Wind turbines usually stand so high off the ground because wind speeds are generally higher and much less turbulent. They are not only great ways to generate electricity, but they can be beautiful as well. They are a sign of a country who takes alternative energy seriously.

Many opponents like to say that wind power kills bats and birds, but the fact is that wind power is safe, clean, and effective. Wind turbines will continue to lead the march away from oil dependence.