jetta tdi biodiesel

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Jetta TDI Biodiesel

Everyone talks about biodiesel cars these days, but are they any good? With improved technology, diesel fuels emit less soot and particulate emissions, besides delivering higher performance and emit fewer greenhouse gases, owing nothing or even surpassing traditional gas vehicles. One of the lines currently in the market, the VW Jetta TDI biodiesel, is an example that stands out.

The VW Jetta TDI biodiesel range is a quiet type of car that offers a smooth drive and runs on the new Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, which is now available in the U.S. According to one reviewer, if you place a handkerchief under the tailpipe, it will produce hardly a smudge or even a diesel smell. That sounds clean to me.

In terms of performance and comfort, the VW Jetta TDI biodiesel offers excellent automatic transmissions. It can pick up speed fast, thanks to its 235lb-ft of torque. It comes with an automatic mode option and a touch clutch-less manual shift mode.

According to TDI enthusiast, Paul Vachier, Volkswagen of America is selling TDI Jettas and he describes them as basically the same car as the Golf/Rabbit TDIs but with a trunk instead of a hatchback.