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Residential Solar Energy System

Sharp Releases Efficient Residential Solar Energy System

Sharp, the world's leading manufacturer of solar cells, has released an upgraded residential solar energy system which comes in two series of DC solar modules, allowing for integration in all types of rooftops.

The DC solar modules can boost voltage from a low level to a standard level with a built-in chopper circuit which increases solar module power on the rooftop sixfold over the conventional models.

solar panel roof

Equipped with a communications function, the system can be used to provide a solar monitoring service to monitor its operations remotely. The service starts on September 1.

The system also enables users to sell excess electricity to utility companies. The 3.0 and 4.5kW models are priced at 323,400 yen ($2,780) and 405,300 yen ($3,500), respectively. Sharp will produce 3,500 units each per month.