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Save the environment

You can save the environment! That's right- you heard me. By making your concern for the environment a priority, you will be motivated to take the necessary steps to leave a smaller ecological footprint. Most people don't understand how easy it is to implement a lot of the habits and routines that will help the environment. They can be very simple, cost effective, and contagious to those around you. Use our suggested tips or come up with your own- just make it a daily habit to treat our planet with respect.

  • Change out all your regular light bulbs with energy saving light bulbs.
  • Make your next move a move to a smaller, more energy efficient home
  • Put your outside lights on timers.
  • Recycle your waste water (also known as grey water) and use it for gardening or watering the lawn.
  • Turn off the heat early in the Spring. If it gets too cold, dress a little warmer in the house. I can go from April - June in Maryland without using heat or A/C.
  • save environment

  • Wrap your hot water heater in an insulated blanket.
  • Turn off and unplug your appliances when they are not in use. Washing machines, dryers, microwaves, TVs, computers, etc. can all be unplugged or put on a power strip to ensure they do not draw energy when not in use.
  • Stop printing off all those TPS reports and send an email instead.
  • Make your own fertilizer with a compost pile.
  • Set your refrigerator temperature at 36 to 38 degrees and your freezer at 0 to 5 degrees.
  • Install low flow shower heads.
  • Start car pooling or taking mass transportation to work.
  • Buy only products that can be reused.
  • Purchase only Energy Star&trade appliances.
  • Get educated about your watershed. Use safe cleaning solutions to clean your house.
  • Buy an electric lawn mower or a push reel mower.
  • Use natural methods of insect repellants instead of harmful chemicals.

By utilizing just some of the tips that we gave above, you can make a huge impact on the environment. Don't let anyone discourage you from trying to leave this world a better place. You can make a difference, and your actions could inspire others to do the same.