sustainable global environment

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Sustainable global environment

We could live in a sustainable global environment, but we don't. The global marketplace revolves around money, and there is simply no money to be made in being a "sustainable business". People walk around with a voracious appetite for goods and services that pollute our cities and clutter our landfills. Advertising screams at us twenty-four hours a day- You must buy this product! It is no wonder that we have pollution problems- mercury laden fish, diapers and tires dumped in rivers, acres of forest being destroyed, etc.

global sustainability

Don't get me wrong...there is nothing wrong with capitalism. The attitude of millions of Americans, and bilions across the world, is the root of our problems. Our country is blessed with wealth and prosperity, and we should be able to enjoy that- but not at the expense of the environment. Let's strive for a sustainable global environment and show others that we can grow and develop our country and economy without destroying the planet.

What can we do?

  • Recycle
  • Reuse
  • Conserve
  • Slow down our consumer craze
  • Get energy efficient appliances
  • Buy a hybrid
  • Compost your biodegradeable trash
  • Petition your Senate and Congressional reps. to get with the "green agenda"

Whatever you do, seek to live a greener life so a sustainable global environment will be in reach. Check out some more of our green tips.