wave energy

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Wave Energy

When wind blows over the ocean surface, it produces waves with sufficient consistency to produce a stream of continuous waves. These ocean waves posses high energy and wave energy is captured from the surface of the waves directly or from fluctuations of pressure below the surface. Devices can extract energy directly from the motion of the ocean waves. Wave strength differs in different regions, and harnessing wave energy is not effective everywhere. Ocean waves represent a form of renewable energy that is demonstrated as technically feasible. Wave strength is rich in western coasts of Scotland, northern Canada, southern Africa, Australia, and Pacific Northwestern coasts of the US.

The ocean waves can be converted into low-cost electricity and minimize pollution as a renewable source of energy. The strength of a wave is determined by the following:

  • The wind speed – faster the wind, bigger the wave.
  • Time of wind – the longer the wind hits the wave, the larger the wave gets.
  • Distance of the wind – the farther the wind travels against the wave, the bigger the wave it produces.

Wave Energy versus Wind Energy
You might wonder when wind turbines harness wind energy, why should we use ocean waves to harness wave energy. Waves have an advantage over wind in that ocean waves are energy dense, i.e. a lot of wind produces little energy whereas waves can collect a large amount of energy in a small space. Ocean waves are reliable and allow us to predict which way the waves will be moving.
Harnessing Wave Energy
Devices to harness wave energy can be installed near the shore or offshore. Devices are harnessed to the sea floor. Some of these devices are terminators, oscillating water columns, attenuators, and point absorbers.

Environmental Considerations
Some of the environmental considerations for the development of wave energy are:

  • Impact on marine life.
  • Toxic leaks or accidental spills of liquids used in those hydraulic systems.
  • Commercial shipping and recreational boater using space near the wind capturing devices.