wind energy facts

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facts about wind energyWind Energy Facts

Here are a few wind energy facts that you may or may not know. Too many individuals overlook wind energy as a potential alternative energy source. We feel that it is our duty to show you why wind power should not be overlooked.

Wind energy is a form of solar energy, and therefore, is renewable. Wind does not need to be produced, like ethanol does, so there will always be a constant supply of it.

Wind energy is very expensive to set up, so it requires significant amounts of capital to establish wind farms. After the initial investment and startup costs, however, it is one of the cheapest forms of electricity generation to maintain.

In 2005, wind accounted for 1% of the total electricity production in the world. The United States was third in utilization of wind energy, with Germany being the leading producer. According to the Department of Energy, offshore wind farms could provide enough energy to power the entire nation. Clearly what we see here is that we have barely touched the amazing capabilities of wind power, and we can expect to see wind power become a massive source of renewable energy in the U.S., and around the globe.

As of 2003, wind power was the fastest growing form of electricity generation on a percentage basis in the U.S.

In Denmark, wind power now produces approximately 20% of the country's electricity consumption, and in recent surveys, 90% of the citizens wanted more wind turbines installed. What we are starting to see is through these wind energy facts is that we have not taken wind energy seriously enough. There is an incredible amount of energy that can be generated through the power of wind. Until we realize just how awesome this energy source is, we will be left to worry about rising fuel costs and the problems that fossil fuels create for humans, animals, and the environment. Let's hope that wind energy is taken more seriously on a global scale.

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