Why Are Sustainable Packaging Companies Important for the Future?

green leaf with water drops

Sustainability has become a pressing concern in the world. Especially with the awareness being brought to it from influencers like Leonardo DiCaprio and Gretha Thunberg. In the past, companies didn’t quite understand the impact manufacturing products had on the environment. With government implementing a series of eco-friendly standards to decrease pollution, the seriousness of manufacturing more sustainable products is on the rise. 

It’s important for everyone to make a change, especially large manufacturing companies, to ensure the safety of the environment going forward. Learn more about environmentally friendliness in this article

One aspect within any manufacturing company is packaging. Packaging is something that every single factory and production company needs, since it’s the way in which they transport and protect their product. In most cases, this packaging is thrown out and not even used. Because of this reason, there are companies who are creating solutions to the environmental problems by designing more sustainable options. 

It’s a very important part in our future. Here are a few reasons why sustainable packaging companies are important going forward: 


Thousands of tons of non-biodegradable plastic containers end up in the ocean yearly. Plastic pollution is a serious thing and are destroying our eco system. Research have stated that only 9% of the world’s plastic has been recycled. To solve this problem, packaging manufacturers are designing paper-based containing methods. 

This is because paper is being recycled 7 times more than plastic and is much better for the environment. Not only does it reduce plastic pollution, it also assists in climate change. 

When you consider using sustainable packaging companies for your packaging needs, you will invest in paper instead of plastic. Because paper is a natural and renewable materials, it truly is sustainable. It is seen as fully sustainable because it is made from trees. Growing, planting, and harvesting trees follow a full-round circle where whatever has been harvested will be replanted again. 


There is a misconception that all sustainable packaging should be brown in color. Resembling those brown paper bags found at the eco-friendly grocery store. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Packaging solutions include new inking technologies that unlock a variation of different colors. 

Inks that are soy- and water-based combined with eco-friendly varnishes and spot coatings will still add a pop of color. Your product can still stand out from the masses even if it’s made from sustainable materials. 


There are many institutions and organizations that have created programs to ensure the safety of our futures. Under these standards, companies are ensuring that they are assisting in a greener future. Two of these organizations include the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and the SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative). 


It’s important to think long-term when considering manufacturing anything. Plastic isn’t biodegradable, which means it can’t break down naturally. All plastic bottles newly manufactured will end up somewhere in a landfill or ocean creating many problems. 

Packaging should be able to dissolve and degrade within time. To ensure the environment is free from harmful waste that will never disappear from its surface, paper-based solutions are relevant. Using raw materials in the design and creation of package solutions will ensure a much safer environment in the future. 

Everyone should be more eco-conscious going forward. This is how you can be more eco-friendly in 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7xRmfXNiw0


Any business owner will benefit from switching from harmful plastics to plastic-free packaging solutions. Not only by reducing their environmental footprint, but also in winning their customer’s loyalty. As time goes on, more consumers are becoming aware of their own environmental footprint. In many cases, consumers will rather invest in a product that is 100% biodegradable and natural than buy a product from a company that isn’t. 

white windmill during daytime

In order for companies to grow, they should consider future alternative solutions for their packaging. Certifications from the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and the SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) will give your company credibility. As well as a stamp of approval from eco-conscious consumers. 

Sustainable packaging companies are extremely important for humankind. Reducing plastic pollution by creating biodegradable solutions is a step closer to a healthier future. 

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Tom Z.

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